Saturday, 25 September 2021

Fundamental :- 15 marks 

2. O.S (operating system):-                                    3 to 5 marks 
3. M.S power point :-                                             2 to 3 marks 
4. M.N Excep :-                                                      12       marks
5. M.N Acess :-                                                       3 to 4 marks 
6. H.T.M.L web desigh :-                                       2 to 3 marks 
7. Net working :-                                                     2 to 3


Parts of fundamental
1. Computer system and architecture. 
2. Digital computer.
3. Computer hardware.
4. Computer software.
5. Computer memorian & software.
6. Computer history & generation.
1. Computer system and a  


Fundamental :- 15 marks 

2. O.S (operating system):-                                    3 to 5 marks 
3. M.S power point :-                                             2 to 3 marks 
4. M.N Excep :-                                                      12       marks
5. M.N Acess :-                                                       3 to 4 marks 
6. H.T.M.L web desigh :-                                       2 to 3 marks 
7. Net working :-                                                     2 to 3


Parts of fundamental
1. Computer system and architecture. 
2. Digital computer.
3. Computer hardware.
4. Computer software.
5. Computer memorian & software.
6. Computer history & generation.
1. Computer system and a  

Sunday, 19 September 2021

The advancement in hardware technology with a specific span of time termed as Computer Generation. 


The computers of the first generation were physically very large machines because they used vacuum tubes, they were very unreliable, required a lot of power to run, and produced so much heat that adequate air conditioning was critical to protect the computer parts. They had slow input and output devices, were slow in processing , and has small storage capacities. The programmers had to code all computer instructions  and data in actual machine language. They also had to keep track of where instructions and  data were stored in memory.

Electronic circuitry :-          Vacuum tubes
Input                         :-          Punched Card
Output                      :-          Paper
Storage                     :-         Magnetic tape
Example                   :-        UNICAC-I, IBM-650, 702, 705, BURROUGS-220, EDVAC, EDSAC,                                                   Mark -II, UNIVAC-II etc.


The computers of the second generation were used transistors instead of vacuum tubes. Transistors were smaller, less expensive, generated almost no heat, and required very tittle power. The use of small, long lasting  transistors also increased processing speeds and reliability. The storage capacity was greatly increased with the magnetic disk, magnetic cores for main storage. High speed card readers, printers, and magnetic tape units were also introduced. Internal processing speeds increased. The programmers allow using mnemonic operation codes for instruction operations.

Electronic circuitry :-          Transistors
Input                         :-          Punched Card
Output                      :-          Paper
Storage                     :-         Magnetic Core Storage
Example                   :-        IBM-1400, IBM-7000, Control Data-3600, General Electric-365,                                                          Honeywell-200, SS-80, NCR-300, CDC-1604, CDC-160A etc.



The computers of  this generation were used solid -state logic microcircuits or integrated circuit (IC) which reduces the physical size of computers even more and increases their durability and internal processing speeds. The smaller circuits allow for faster internal processing speeds resulting in faster execution of instructions. New mass storage,  such as the data cell, Drum and disk capacities and speed  have been increased, the portable disk pack has been developed, and faster, higher density magnetic tapes have come into use. Considerable improvements were made to card readers and printers. Applications using online processing, real-time processing, time sharing, multiprogramming, multiprocessing, and teleprocessing have become widely accepted.
Electronic circuitry :-         Integrated Circuits (IC), LSI
Input                         :-          Punched Card, Keyboard
Output                      :-          Paper, Monitor
Storage                     :-         Magnetic Disks, Magnetic tapes
Example                   :-        IBM System/360, UNVAC1108, UNVAC9000


The computers of the fourth generation are used integrated circuit with great capacity is microprocessor. As a result of this technology, computers are significantly smaller in physical size & they have retained  large memory capacities  and are ultra fast. An entirely new breed of computers called microcomputers and minicomputers which provide large amount of computing power. The mass storage latest technology are used such as optical disk, DVD etc.
Electronic circuitry :-         VSLI (Very Large Integrated Circuits)
Input                         :-          Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner Digitizers
Output                      :-          Paper, Monitor, Plotter, Printer
Storage                     :-         Magnetic Disks, Optical Disk, DVD etc.
Example                   :-        IBM System/370, HP-3000, AMD Athelon, Pentium


The PIM/m-1 machine, one of the few "fifth generation computers" ever produced. The fifth generation computer systems project was an initiative by Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry, begun in 1982, to create a "fifth generation computer which was supposed to perform much calculation  utilizing massive parallelism". The main aim of fifth generation computer systems is a disruptive technology. The New Generation Computer Technology  (ICOT) is creating a specialized hardware and an operating system entirely written in a variant of prolog programming language, as this was believed to be a truly parallelizable language. The "Parallel inference machines" were eventually produce.:
ЁЭЪ╣ PIM/m        ЁЭЪ╣ PIM/p        ЁЭЪ╣ PIM/i        ЁЭЪ╣ PIM/k        ЁЭЪ╣ PIM/c
This generation will be used completely Robotic and artificial intelligence. The biochip (organic chip) will be applied for dynamic & high power computation capability and very latest technology will be used for input, output and storage devices.

Electronic circuitry :-         Bio Chips (Organic Chips)
Technology                :-       AI, Expert Systems, High speed, large storage capacity, multi-point                                                      Input & Output etc.


The advancement in hardware technology with a specific span of time termed as Computer Generation. 


The computers of the first generation were physically very large machines because they used vacuum tubes, they were very unreliable, required a lot of power to run, and produced so much heat that adequate air conditioning was critical to protect the computer parts. They had slow input and output devices, were slow in processing , and has small storage capacities. The programmers had to code all computer instructions  and data in actual machine language. They also had to keep track of where instructions and  data were stored in memory.

Electronic circuitry :-          Vacuum tubes
Input                         :-          Punched Card
Output                      :-          Paper
Storage                     :-         Magnetic tape
Example                   :-        UNICAC-I, IBM-650, 702, 705, BURROUGS-220, EDVAC, EDSAC,                                                   Mark -II, UNIVAC-II etc.


The computers of the second generation were used transistors instead of vacuum tubes. Transistors were smaller, less expensive, generated almost no heat, and required very tittle power. The use of small, long lasting  transistors also increased processing speeds and reliability. The storage capacity was greatly increased with the magnetic disk, magnetic cores for main storage. High speed card readers, printers, and magnetic tape units were also introduced. Internal processing speeds increased. The programmers allow using mnemonic operation codes for instruction operations.

Electronic circuitry :-          Transistors
Input                         :-          Punched Card
Output                      :-          Paper
Storage                     :-         Magnetic Core Storage
Example                   :-        IBM-1400, IBM-7000, Control Data-3600, General Electric-365,                                                          Honeywell-200, SS-80, NCR-300, CDC-1604, CDC-160A etc.



The computers of  this generation were used solid -state logic microcircuits or integrated circuit (IC) which reduces the physical size of computers even more and increases their durability and internal processing speeds. The smaller circuits allow for faster internal processing speeds resulting in faster execution of instructions. New mass storage,  such as the data cell, Drum and disk capacities and speed  have been increased, the portable disk pack has been developed, and faster, higher density magnetic tapes have come into use. Considerable improvements were made to card readers and printers. Applications using online processing, real-time processing, time sharing, multiprogramming, multiprocessing, and teleprocessing have become widely accepted.
Electronic circuitry :-         Integrated Circuits (IC), LSI
Input                         :-          Punched Card, Keyboard
Output                      :-          Paper, Monitor
Storage                     :-         Magnetic Disks, Magnetic tapes
Example                   :-        IBM System/360, UNVAC1108, UNVAC9000


The computers of the fourth generation are used integrated circuit with great capacity is microprocessor. As a result of this technology, computers are significantly smaller in physical size & they have retained  large memory capacities  and are ultra fast. An entirely new breed of computers called microcomputers and minicomputers which provide large amount of computing power. The mass storage latest technology are used such as optical disk, DVD etc.
Electronic circuitry :-         VSLI (Very Large Integrated Circuits)
Input                         :-          Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner Digitizers
Output                      :-          Paper, Monitor, Plotter, Printer
Storage                     :-         Magnetic Disks, Optical Disk, DVD etc.
Example                   :-        IBM System/370, HP-3000, AMD Athelon, Pentium


The PIM/m-1 machine, one of the few "fifth generation computers" ever produced. The fifth generation computer systems project was an initiative by Japan's Ministry of International Trade and Industry, begun in 1982, to create a "fifth generation computer which was supposed to perform much calculation  utilizing massive parallelism". The main aim of fifth generation computer systems is a disruptive technology. The New Generation Computer Technology  (ICOT) is creating a specialized hardware and an operating system entirely written in a variant of prolog programming language, as this was believed to be a truly parallelizable language. The "Parallel inference machines" were eventually produce.:
ЁЭЪ╣ PIM/m        ЁЭЪ╣ PIM/p        ЁЭЪ╣ PIM/i        ЁЭЪ╣ PIM/k        ЁЭЪ╣ PIM/c
This generation will be used completely Robotic and artificial intelligence. The biochip (organic chip) will be applied for dynamic & high power computation capability and very latest technology will be used for input, output and storage devices.

Electronic circuitry :-         Bio Chips (Organic Chips)
Technology                :-       AI, Expert Systems, High speed, large storage capacity, multi-point                                                      Input & Output etc.

Thursday, 16 September 2021

An  electronic symbol manipulating system that is design to accept automatically input data, store and process them to produce desired output step under the instruction provided by the store program.

computer  system 

The computer called computer system because of different  components work together to produce the desired result to the user. The  various component of computer system are follows:

Hardware - All the physical components of computer system are called hardware such as monitor , CPU, Mouse, etc.

Software - The collection of instruction or logical components that instruct the hardware to performs specific task.

User -  A person operates the computer or writes instructions for the computer  system. 

Procedures - The way of operating computer is called procedures.

Data/information -  The raw of data under which computer works and produces the useful information. 

Connectivity - When two or more than two computers other peripherals are other connected to communicate in the computer system.

characteristics of computer

Computer is playing a key role to human life. It has become most essential in our day life as television or newspaper  or other electronic devices. The computer solves the human problems very quickly as well as accurately. The important characteristics of a computer are described below:

Speed - The computer is a very high speed electronic device. The  operations on the data inside the computer are performed through electronic circuits with high speed that is close to the speed that is close to the speed of light. computer can perform million or billon of operations on the data within a second. The speed of computer is usually measure in  mega hertz (MHz) or giga hertz (GHz). It means cycles units of frequency is hertz per second.

Accuracy - In addition to being very fast, computer is also very accurate device. It gives accurate output result provided that the correct input data and set of instruction are given to the computer . It means that output is totally depended on the given instructions and input data. If input data is wrong then the resulting output will be wrong is known as garbage-in garbage-output.

Reliability - The electronic components in modern computer have  very low failure rate. The computer can perform very complicated calculation without creating any problem and produces consistent (reliable) results.

Storage - A computer has internal storage (memory) as  well as external or secondary storage which holds large amount of data and programs for future use. The stored data and programs are available any time for processing.

Versatility - Versatile means flexible. A computer can perform different kind of tasks one by one of simultaneously. At one moment you are typing text and in next moment you are printing the document. 

Automation - A computer can automatically perform operations without interfering the user during the operations. It controls automatically different devices attached with the computer and executes automatically the program instructions step by step. 

Diligence - A computer can continually work for long period without creating any error. It does not get tired while working for long period. It performs the operations with the accuracy as well as speed as the first one. 

Consistency - People often have difficulty to repeat their task again and again but a computers will carry out the activity with the same way every time.

Precision - Computer are not only fast and consistent but they also perform operations very accurately and precisely. In computer however, you can keep the accuracy and precision upto the level, you desire. The length calculations remains always accurate.

Arithmetical & Logical Operations - A computer can performs arithmetical and logical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplications and division, comparison etc. 

Retrieving data & programs - The data and program stored on the storage media can be retrieved very quickly for further processing. It is also very important feature of a computer.

Communication - Today computer is mostly used to exchange messages or data through computer networks all over the world very quickly.



An  electronic symbol manipulating system that is design to accept automatically input data, store and process them to produce desired output step under the instruction provided by the store program.

computer  system 

The computer called computer system because of different  components work together to produce the desired result to the user. The  various component of computer system are follows:

Hardware - All the physical components of computer system are called hardware such as monitor , CPU, Mouse, etc.

Software - The collection of instruction or logical components that instruct the hardware to performs specific task.

User -  A person operates the computer or writes instructions for the computer  system. 

Procedures - The way of operating computer is called procedures.

Data/information -  The raw of data under which computer works and produces the useful information. 

Connectivity - When two or more than two computers other peripherals are other connected to communicate in the computer system.

characteristics of computer

Computer is playing a key role to human life. It has become most essential in our day life as television or newspaper  or other electronic devices. The computer solves the human problems very quickly as well as accurately. The important characteristics of a computer are described below:

Speed - The computer is a very high speed electronic device. The  operations on the data inside the computer are performed through electronic circuits with high speed that is close to the speed that is close to the speed of light. computer can perform million or billon of operations on the data within a second. The speed of computer is usually measure in  mega hertz (MHz) or giga hertz (GHz). It means cycles units of frequency is hertz per second.

Accuracy - In addition to being very fast, computer is also very accurate device. It gives accurate output result provided that the correct input data and set of instruction are given to the computer . It means that output is totally depended on the given instructions and input data. If input data is wrong then the resulting output will be wrong is known as garbage-in garbage-output.

Reliability - The electronic components in modern computer have  very low failure rate. The computer can perform very complicated calculation without creating any problem and produces consistent (reliable) results.

Storage - A computer has internal storage (memory) as  well as external or secondary storage which holds large amount of data and programs for future use. The stored data and programs are available any time for processing.

Versatility - Versatile means flexible. A computer can perform different kind of tasks one by one of simultaneously. At one moment you are typing text and in next moment you are printing the document. 

Automation - A computer can automatically perform operations without interfering the user during the operations. It controls automatically different devices attached with the computer and executes automatically the program instructions step by step. 

Diligence - A computer can continually work for long period without creating any error. It does not get tired while working for long period. It performs the operations with the accuracy as well as speed as the first one. 

Consistency - People often have difficulty to repeat their task again and again but a computers will carry out the activity with the same way every time.

Precision - Computer are not only fast and consistent but they also perform operations very accurately and precisely. In computer however, you can keep the accuracy and precision upto the level, you desire. The length calculations remains always accurate.

Arithmetical & Logical Operations - A computer can performs arithmetical and logical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplications and division, comparison etc. 

Retrieving data & programs - The data and program stored on the storage media can be retrieved very quickly for further processing. It is also very important feature of a computer.

Communication - Today computer is mostly used to exchange messages or data through computer networks all over the world very quickly.


CSS Margins

This element has a margin of 70px.

                                          рдирдоुрдиा рдк्рд░рд╢्рдирд╣рд░ु рез

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         рд╕рдордп :рекрел рдоिрдиेрдЯ                                                                                                  рдкुрд░्рдгाрдХ : резрежреж                                                                                                                                                      рдЙрддिрдгाрд░्рдХ:рекреж 

                      level  1 questions рдЪाрд░ рдмिрдХрд▓्рдк рднрдПрдХो рд╕ाрдоाрди्рдп рдмрд╣ुрдмैрдХрд▓्рдкिрдХ рдк्рд░рд╢्рдирд╣рд░ु  : резрео  рд╡рдЯा                                                                                            

рд▓ोрдХ рд╕ेрд╡ा Questions

CSS Margins

This element has a margin of 70px.

                                          рдирдоुрдиा рдк्рд░рд╢्рдирд╣рд░ु рез

рд╕ाрдоाрди्рдпрдЬ्рдЮाрди рд░ рд╕ाрдоाрди्рдп рдмौрдж्рдзिрдХ рдкрд░ीрдХ्рд╖рдг   
         рд╕рдордп :рекрел рдоिрдиेрдЯ                                                                                                  рдкुрд░्рдгाрдХ : резрежреж                                                                                                                                                      рдЙрддिрдгाрд░्рдХ:рекреж 

                      level  1 questions рдЪाрд░ рдмिрдХрд▓्рдк рднрдПрдХो рд╕ाрдоाрди्рдп рдмрд╣ुрдмैрдХрд▓्рдкिрдХ рдк्рд░рд╢्рдирд╣рд░ु  : резрео  рд╡рдЯा                                                                                            

Tuesday, 17 August 2021


Chapter – 1


A Microprocessor is a multipurpose programmable, clock driven, register based electronic device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called memory, accepts binary data as input, processes data according to those instructions and provide result s as output. The microprocessor operates in binary 0 and 1 known as bits are represented in terms of electrical voltages in the machine that means 0 represents low voltage level and 1 represents high voltage level. Each microprocessor recognizes and processes a group of bits called the word and microprocessors are classified according to their word length such as 8 bits microprocessor with 8 bit word and 32 bit microprocessor with 32 bit word etc.

Fig 1.1: A Programmable Machine

Terms used

     ·         CPU: - Central processing unit which consists of ALU and control unit.
     ·         Microprocessor: - Single chip containing all units of CPU.
     ·         Microcomputer: - Computer having microprocessor as CPU.
     ·         Microcontroller: single chip consisting of MPU, memory, I/O and interfacing circuits.
     ·         MPU: - Microprocessing unit – complete processing unit with the necessary control signals.

     Basic Block Diagram of a Computer

Traditionally, the computer is represented with four components such as memory, input, output and central processing unit (CPU) which consists of arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and control unit (CU).



Fig 1.2 (a): Traditional Block diagram of a computer


The CPU contains various registers to store data, the ALU to perform arithmetic and logical operations, instruction decoders, counters and control lines.

The CPU reads instructions from memory and performs the tasks specified. It communicates with input/output (I/O) devices either to accept or to send data, the I/O devices is known as peripherals.

Later on around late 1960’s, traditional block diagram can be replaced with computer having microprocessor as CPU which is known as microcomputer. Here CPU was designed using integrated circuit technology (IC’s) which provided the possibility to build the CPU on a single chip.

Fig 1.2 (b): Block Diagram of a computer with the Microprocessor as CPU


Later on semiconductor fabrication technology became more advanced, manufacturers were able to place not only MPU but also memory and I/O interfacing circuits on a single chip known as microcontroller, which also includes additional devices such as A/D converter, serial I/O, timer etc.


Fig 1.2 (c): Block Diagram of a Microcontroller


     Organization of a microprocessor based system

Microprocessor based system includes there components microprocessor, input/output and memory (read only and read/write). These components are organized around a common communication path called a bus.

Fig 1.3: Microprocessor Based System with Bus Architecture




It is clock driven semiconductor device consisting of electronic logic circuits manufactured by using either a large scale integration (LSI) or very large scale integration (VLSI) technique. It is capable of performing various computing functions and making decisions to change the sequence of program execution. It can be divided in to three segments.

A.      Arithmetic/Logic unit: It performs arithmetic operations as addition and subtraction and logic operations as AND, OR & XOR.
B.      Register Array: The registers are primarily used to store data temporarily during the execution of a program and are accessible to the user through instruction. The registers can be identified by letters such as B, C, D, E, H and L.
C.      Control Unit: It provides the necessary timing and control signals to all the operations in the microcomputer. It controls the flow of data between the microprocessor and memory & peripherals.

Setting the Viewport

This example does not really do anything, other than showing you how to add the viewport meta element.

Microprcessor Bsc CSIT Sem second


Chapter – 1


A Microprocessor is a multipurpose programmable, clock driven, register based electronic device that reads binary instructions from a storage device called memory, accepts binary data as input, processes data according to those instructions and provide result s as output. The microprocessor operates in binary 0 and 1 known as bits are represented in terms of electrical voltages in the machine that means 0 represents low voltage level and 1 represents high voltage level. Each microprocessor recognizes and processes a group of bits called the word and microprocessors are classified according to their word length such as 8 bits microprocessor with 8 bit word and 32 bit microprocessor with 32 bit word etc.

Fig 1.1: A Programmable Machine

Terms used

     ·         CPU: - Central processing unit which consists of ALU and control unit.
     ·         Microprocessor: - Single chip containing all units of CPU.
     ·         Microcomputer: - Computer having microprocessor as CPU.
     ·         Microcontroller: single chip consisting of MPU, memory, I/O and interfacing circuits.
     ·         MPU: - Microprocessing unit – complete processing unit with the necessary control signals.

     Basic Block Diagram of a Computer

Traditionally, the computer is represented with four components such as memory, input, output and central processing unit (CPU) which consists of arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and control unit (CU).



Fig 1.2 (a): Traditional Block diagram of a computer


The CPU contains various registers to store data, the ALU to perform arithmetic and logical operations, instruction decoders, counters and control lines.

The CPU reads instructions from memory and performs the tasks specified. It communicates with input/output (I/O) devices either to accept or to send data, the I/O devices is known as peripherals.

Later on around late 1960’s, traditional block diagram can be replaced with computer having microprocessor as CPU which is known as microcomputer. Here CPU was designed using integrated circuit technology (IC’s) which provided the possibility to build the CPU on a single chip.

Fig 1.2 (b): Block Diagram of a computer with the Microprocessor as CPU


Later on semiconductor fabrication technology became more advanced, manufacturers were able to place not only MPU but also memory and I/O interfacing circuits on a single chip known as microcontroller, which also includes additional devices such as A/D converter, serial I/O, timer etc.


Fig 1.2 (c): Block Diagram of a Microcontroller


     Organization of a microprocessor based system

Microprocessor based system includes there components microprocessor, input/output and memory (read only and read/write). These components are organized around a common communication path called a bus.

Fig 1.3: Microprocessor Based System with Bus Architecture




It is clock driven semiconductor device consisting of electronic logic circuits manufactured by using either a large scale integration (LSI) or very large scale integration (VLSI) technique. It is capable of performing various computing functions and making decisions to change the sequence of program execution. It can be divided in to three segments.

A.      Arithmetic/Logic unit: It performs arithmetic operations as addition and subtraction and logic operations as AND, OR & XOR.
B.      Register Array: The registers are primarily used to store data temporarily during the execution of a program and are accessible to the user through instruction. The registers can be identified by letters such as B, C, D, E, H and L.
C.      Control Unit: It provides the necessary timing and control signals to all the operations in the microcomputer. It controls the flow of data between the microprocessor and memory & peripherals.

Setting the Viewport

This example does not really do anything, other than showing you how to add the viewport meta element.